2021 Jazz Band Audition Information
Information regarding Jazz Band auditions for the 2020/21 school year is below. Veteran members, please read carefully as the typical audition format has changed significantly.
The philosophy of WHS Jazz is that there is a place for students of all skill levels within our jazz program. Auditions are required for placement into a WHS Jazz Ensemble. The number of jazz ensembles will be determined by instrumentation and the number of students auditioning. Auditions will be held via Google Meet, the week of February 16th. Students will sign up for audition times via a link shared in their band classes. If a student is not currently enrolled in a band class, they should reach out to Mr. Sindorf to schedule an audition time.
We are committed to providing a safe, in-person jazz experience this year. Currently, the start date and schedule for the 2021 jazz season are TBD. When we are able to start, we will send an availability survey to all auditionees, and will form the groups from there.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. We're excited to hear the 2021 WHS Jazz Ensembles ASAP!
???Questions??? - contact Mr. Sindorf
The philosophy of WHS Jazz is that there is a place for students of all skill levels within our jazz program. Auditions are required for placement into a WHS Jazz Ensemble. The number of jazz ensembles will be determined by instrumentation and the number of students auditioning. Auditions will be held via Google Meet, the week of February 16th. Students will sign up for audition times via a link shared in their band classes. If a student is not currently enrolled in a band class, they should reach out to Mr. Sindorf to schedule an audition time.
We are committed to providing a safe, in-person jazz experience this year. Currently, the start date and schedule for the 2021 jazz season are TBD. When we are able to start, we will send an availability survey to all auditionees, and will form the groups from there.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. We're excited to hear the 2021 WHS Jazz Ensembles ASAP!
???Questions??? - contact Mr. Sindorf
Winds (Saxes, Trumpet, & Trombone):
1. Prepared Melody and Improv - With the recorded accompaniment track, perform the head for Tootsie, immediately followed by 2 choruses (24 bars) of improvised F Blues.
1. Prepared Melody and Improv - With the recorded accompaniment track, perform the head for Tootsie, immediately followed by 2 choruses (24 bars) of improvised F Blues.
2. Sight Reading - We will screen share an 8-12 measure excerpt from a jazz chart. You will have 30 seconds to study before performing.
Rhythm Section (Piano, Guitar, Bass, & Drums):
1. Prepared Excerpts - Perform the following parts as you would for a jazz ensemble performance. Demonstrate appropriate style/comping/groove. Reference recordings are provided for practice only. You will perform without accompaniment in the audition.
1a Count Bubba's Revenge m1-m19
1b C Jam Blues a la Mambo m. 43-69. Do not take repeat
1c **OPTIONAL** Doin' Basie's Thing letter "I" to letter "H"
2. **OPTIONAL** Improv- With the recorded accompaniment track, perform 2 choruses (24 bars) of improvised F Blues. Do not play the head first, begin right on your solo. Drummers can choose to play without the track, but still should play two choruses, maintaining 92bpm.
3. Sight Reading- We will screen share an 8-12 measure excerpt from a jazz chart. You will have 30 seconds to study before performing.